Top Ten Tuesday: 2016 Debuts

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

IT’S DECEMBER! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. This means Christmas is near (*hyperventilates*) and the new year is just around the corner. New year means loads of new books. I’ll talk about the top 5 debut novels I’m looking forward to (yes, 5, I’m sorry but I don’t really follow new/debut releases, so that’s all I’ve got).

1. A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro
I have a horrible feeling this book might be awful, but I hope to god it isn’t because hello, Sherlock Holmes? Yes please. Apparently this is about Holmes’ and Watson’s grandchildren solving crimes and probably falling in love (I don’t need to mention that this is theoretically impossible since Holmes never had kids, right?). I’ll probably check this out and we’ll see how it goes!

2. Assassin’s Heart by Sarah Ahiers
Rival assassin families. Need I say more?

3. This Is Where It Ends by Marieke Nijkamp
This is a book about a high school shooting, and apparently it’s told over the course of 54 minutes out of 4 different perspectives, and I think it could be absolutely touching and heart-breaking. I’m looking forward to this, as it’s such an interesting topic to write about and I don’t think I’ve read something similar before.

4. Jerkbait by Mia Siegert
Again, the reason I want to read this book is because of the interesting topic. It’s about twins guys, one of which is gay and attempts to commit suicide, and I expect it to be about friendship and problems such as homophobia and the stigmatisation of mental health problems, so this promises to be a really good book and I’m exicted!

5.  The Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves
This. Book. Sounds. Awesome. It’s about magic and it’s set in both Victorian England and Hungary and gah, I love magic. Out of all of these books this is probably the one I’m most excited for and I hope it will live up to my hopes!!


These are my top 5 debuts of 2016, but if you know any more I should definitely be checking out, please, please let me know!

I’m a first year Psychology student and I have loved books since my grandpa read them out aloud to me when I was a toddler. I could spend hours upon hours in bookstores, perusing and debating over which books to take home with me. There’s basically nothing better than curling up in bed with a cup of steaming hot tea and a good book on a rainy day, in my opinion, and I’d choose a night reading over a night out at the club any day. I read books from all genres and constantly aspire to broaden my horizons.
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8 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: 2016 Debuts

  1. I only just saw Jerkbait for the first time today and now I am DYING FOR IT!!! I am so excited!!!!!! It sounds literally like everything I love in a book! And Yes I totally agree with you about Assassin’s Heart, assassin’s and the mob, like that’s not a WINNING combination!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I haven’t heard of the last two, but I am excited to read the first two! And I’ve This is Where it Ends, so I can say that it is indeed good! I’ll have to check out the other books!

    My List

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