10 Series I’m Marathoning in 2017


I have an unhealthy book-buying obsession, particularly when it comes to purchasing entire series in a single sitting without having read a single installment in said series.  While this method proves rather unfortunate when I’m assigning a one star review to the first book in the series, my inner perfectionist is overjoyed to see the entire series (with matching covers, of course) perched on my bookshelf.

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Discussion: Series I’ve Started…But Never Finished



Over the years, I’ve accumulated quite a few…undesirable bookish quirks.  From convincing myself that reading seven books simultaneously is a good idea to breaking self-imposed book buying bans within a week, I certainly had my fair share of bad habits.  Needless to say, the most jaw-dropping of these habits thus far is my increasingly nonchalant behavior toward completing a series once I’ve started it.  And no, I would not recommend developing a similar habit of your own in any capacity.

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Sunday Stumper #25: Duologies


Sunday Stumper

We’ve decided to introduce a new weekly meme here at Brewing Up Books…Sunday Stumper! Each Sunday, we’ll be posting a literary based challenge, puzzle, game, etc. that can be downloaded on a computer, tablet, or smartphone (or even printed out). The following week, we will post the correct solution to the puzzle, along with a new one. You can complete the puzzle at your leisure throughout the week, and, if you manage to finish it, you can email it to us (brewingupbooks@gmail.com) for a chance to be featured! The first person to correctly complete the puzzle and email it to us will have their blog or Goodreads account featured on our sidebar and will also be mentioned in our Sunday Stumper post the following week.

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Top Ten Tuesday: Finished Series I Have Yet to Finish


Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

Oh dear… I am absolutely terrible at finishing series, so I could probably list 50 here. At the same time, however, I recently went through my started series and decided which of these I really actually want to continue, and which ones I will probably just give up on. So that should narrow it down a bit.

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Sunday Stumper #18: Series (excluding trilogies)


Sunday Stumper

We’ve decided to introduce a new weekly meme here at Brewing Up Books…Sunday Stumper! Each Sunday, we’ll be posting a literary based challenge, puzzle, game, etc. that can be downloaded on a computer, tablet, or smartphone (or even printed out). The following week, we will post the correct solution to the puzzle, along with a new one. You can complete the puzzle at your leisure throughout the week, and, if you manage to finish it, you can email it to us (brewingupbooks@gmail.com) for a chance to be featured! The first person to correctly complete the puzzle and email it to us will have their blog or Goodreads account featured on our sidebar and will also be mentioned in our Sunday Stumper post the following week.

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