Blogging 101: Utilizing Social Media

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Social media is an integral component of modern society – it’s practically a miracle to have a face-to-face conversation with someone without either of you glancing at a smartphone, snapping a selfie, checking Facebook, responding to text messages, etc.  In our technologically savvy world, your online presence can make or break your blog, regardless of whether you’ve just started out or you’re a weathered veteran who’s been posting for years.

From both personal experience and observation, social media appears to be one of the most underestimated aspects of blogging.  Sure, you can post amazing content on a daily basis, but the quality and regularity of your posts does not guarantee you active readers.  You may have a few people accidentally stumble across your blog, but your chances of going viral are fairly slim – unless you begin actively engaging with fellow bloggers on social media, that is.

The book blogging community has expanded tremendously in recent years, spilling onto wordpress, blogger, goodreads, youtube, twitter, tumblr, instagram, facebook – you name it.  The most popular of these bloggers have learned to regularly update accounts on a variety of social media platforms, significantly increasing the likelihood of someone like you stumbling across their content. To put it simply, the more you network, the more followers you’ll attract.

When bloggers are first starting out, they often question: what platforms should I use, and how often should I update them?  Both are really personally preference – do you enjoy posting short snippets about your newest read? If so, twitter might be a good place to start.  Or, do you love photography and want to combine it with your passion for books?  Consider getting an instagram.  Try to tie together multiple interests when determining which social media accounts to create for your blog.  Not only will you likely be more successful in your endeavors, you’ll also be more motivated to update those outlets regularly.

Remember to include links to your social media profiles somewhere on your blog, allowing readers to easily access them and click the “follow” button.  The majority of bloggers do so via social media icons on their sidebars.  Here’s an example of our icons – unless you’re viewing our blog on a mobile device or tablet, they should also appear on our righthand sidebar:

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Most importantly, once you’ve established yourself across multiple platforms, interact with others who have similar interests.  Along the way, you’ll likely develop some lasting friendships that you otherwise would not have.  Here at Brewing Up Books, we’ve made some outstanding friends via social media websites and have been offered numerous opportunities to share our content with others.  Consequently, I can’t stress enough the importance of social media and networking in the blogosphere.

What have been your experiences with social media?  Are there any platforms that you would recommend or advise against for new bloggers?

Profile Picture

I am a senior in high school and an avid reader/reviewer, horseback rider, and graphic designer.  Since a young age, I have fostered a love of reading, beginning with my forays into the Nancy Drew series.  I’ve branched out significantly in my reading tastes since then, and my favorite genres include young adult, romance, mystery, and thriller.  I’m constantly trying to expand my horizons, however, so I do dabble in other genres.  While I’m not reading, I volunteer at a hippotherapy center and a veterinary clinic, practice agility with my dogs, play piano, and sketch.
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8 thoughts on “Blogging 101: Utilizing Social Media

  1. This is a great post about social media overall, thanks for posting it. I think I’ve done pretty well social media wise except for Facebook. I’ve got twitter going, google plus going ect. but when it comes to Facebook, I got nada, and I mean I have a page, I just don’t know how to get it out there…I guess. Do you have any tips for promoting a Facebook page?

    Happy reading!!


    • Thank you! We don’t have a facebook for Brewing Up Books, simply because we don’t think we’d have the time to keep up with it, but we’ve looked into it a few times as a possibility. From what I’ve heard from others and their experiences on Facebook, it’s important to connect with other book blogs on Facebook, like their content on Facebook, comment on interesting posts, etc. Simple striking up a conversation with someone is the best way to convince them to check out your blog – and they may even promote you, who knows!


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